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  • W BBP Legal wiemy, jak ważna jest pomoc prawna organizacjom społecznym, które niejednokrotnie ze względów finansowych nie mogą zaangażować prawnika do reprezentowania ich w ważnych dla nich sprawach.


    Stąd też nasza kancelaria od dnia 22 lipca 2013 roku postanowiła ...dalej

Filip Poniewski

Strona główna » Filip Poniewski

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Filip Poniewski


An expert in labour law, environmental protection law and debt recovery. A graduate of the Law and Administration Faculty at the University of Silesia in Katowice. Lecturer at the postrgraduate studies of Master of Corporate Governance at the University of Economics in Katowice.

Languages: Polish, English, Spanish

T: +48 607 387 480
E: filip.poniewski@bbplegal.pl

For over 10 years Filip has provided comprehensive legal services to groups of companies operating in the waste management sector, taking part in internal processes aimed at adapting the capital group to the changing legal regulations, as well as in the preparation of construction investments in the form of landfills, regional communal waste treatment installations and wastewater treatment plants, both by preparing and negotiating contracts, and by participating in administrative and court proceedings administrative procedures for obtaining environmental decisions. This advisory also includes the preparation of PPP projects, among others, concerning construction works of roads and motorways. He also provided ongoing services to entities in the automotive industry.

Filip has participated in projects on collective redundancies and personal data protection. He was a member of the team representing the employer in negotiations which were part of the collective dispute procedure. He has represented clients in employer-employee litigation, including discrimination and harassment cases.

Provides services to environmental entities and represented one of Europe's leading waste management groups in its merger with local municipal companies. He also handles the day-to-day operations of municipal companies.

He has participated in numerous legal due diligence reviews for companies and real estate. He was a member of teams preparing investments in infrastructure based on the Act on Concessions for Construction Works or Services.

He has extensive experience in litigation, which he uses as an attorney, in particular before labour courts and in construction cases (including road and motorway construction) in civil proceedings and as a defence counsel in criminal proceedings.






BBP Brzóska Poniewski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni Sp. p.
ul. Żelazna 2, 40-851 Katowice

tel.: +48 32 726-56-97
e-mail: office@bbplegal.pl

Jesteśmy kancelarią współpracującą z wydawnictwem C.H. Beck w ramach poradni Legalis Administracja.

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Kancelaria BBP Legal świadczy usługi doradcze we wszystkich dziedzinach prawa związanych z prowadzeniem działalności gospodarczej w Polsce i w Republice Czeskiej. Siedziba Kancelarii mieści się w Katowicach.
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